Our comprehensive program includes individualized flexibility and strengthening exercises, lumbar stabilization exercises, endurance training and functional related exercise. Emphasis is placed on total body awareness through instruction in proper body mechanics and posture for functional activities. Suggestions are made for adapting the environment for daily activities to avoid aggravating back and neck conditions.
Our therapists are Certified in Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy of the spine through the Internationally recognized McKenzie Institute. A self treatment program is designed and monitored for a faster relief of pain and return to function. The McKenzie Method is a scientifically proven system used to treat a variety of neck and back problems. It has been proven to be superior over traditional therapy.
What did one of our patient's say they achieved from our services?
"Complete mobility in my back and no residual pain. I have also become much more aware of the benefits of working out and continue to do so on a daily basis. Probably in the best physical shape of my life."- K.D.